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Attack sin at the root!!

Everyone struggles with sin. Your pastor, your Sunday school teacher, your mother, your father, sister, and your brother. No one is exempt. The bible says that we all fall short. I’ve heard so many sermons about sin, how we shouldn’t do it. How we need to repent, and ask God for forgiveness. How sin ruins relationships, and how it separates us from God. And this is all true. It’s God truth.

However, when it comes to preaching about how not to sin. You generally hear, read your bible, pray, change the people who you hang around, the places you go, and surrender. Surrender, surrender, surrender. Again, all of that is true, God’s truth. But God gave me a revelation this morning. The foundation of sin is pain. Sin is a fleshly, dysfunctional coping mechanism for pain. We sin rather than deal with our issues. It gives us control of a situation we have or had no control over.

I want you to do this with me,

Think back to a time that you felt powerless…..what emotions raise up? Is it fear, anger, discomfort? Did you feel betrayed and alone? How did you respond? What thoughts came to mind? Nine times out of ten…the thoughts that we entertained were not of God. And right in that moment we created a foothold for satan. And sin was birthed... How do we stop this cycle? We deal with sin the root. In the exercise listed above we are dealing with powerlessness… Work with me.. 1. Ask yourself who made you feel powerless? Was it a person, situation, or a lack of confidence in yourself? 2. Why did you feel powerless? 3. Have you felt like this before? 4. How did you deal with it? 5. Do you feel resentment? 6. Are you willing to change your perspective? 7. Do you want to learn a new way to deal with this? 8. Can you forgive? Do you want to… 9. Did you know you get to choose how your feel….no one can control that… 10. Do you want to be free? 11. Do you want to walk in victory? Because you can…

Sometimes we go through something and we forget that we made it though. Satan wants you to live from a perspective of what happened to you…..God wants you to see from a perspective of what you overcome. Now I want you to look back at the time where you felt powerless. And I want you to realize that you overcame. And that right there gives you power over the situation. And once you realize you have power. The foothold for satan closes and my friend you can walk in victory.

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